Contact us!
KARTON-PAK sp. z o.o.
- Address
34-211 Budzów,
Budzów-Partykowo 495 - Telephone
33 874 05 36
33 874 07 05
509 440 843
505 826 799 - Fax
33 874 05 36 - E-mail
KARTON-PAK sp. z o.o.
We have been producing cardboard packaging since 2002. Our company has been operating on the market for many years now she made it to the end earn respect many customers thanks to the highest quality of our products and competitive prices.
We create packaging in various sizes, colours and shapes to meet the expectations of all customers and provide comprehensive solutions tailored to their needs. Therefore, in the production process we use the latest technologies that allow us to produce cardboard packaging quickly and in large numbers, without loss of quality.
We know that caring for the natural environment is of a great importance.
We place great highlight on the quality of our products and care for the natural environment. Our cardboard packaging is often made from recycled raw materials, which helps us reduce our impact on the environment.
Stawiamy także na innowacyjność i rozwój, dlatego ciągle pracujemy nad poprawą naszych procesów produkcji oraz wprowadzaniem nowych produktów i usług, które będą odpowiadać na potrzeby naszych klientów.